January 22, 2018
Razer Deathadder Chroma
The first time my hand grabs around this mouse,i loved the sensation of the luxury and comfort of the mouse.I can feel the modern soft texture from the ergonomic mouse.With the rubber material contained on the bottom left and bottom right of the mouse,surely it makes my fingers comfortable.Not only that,the weight of this mouse is very fitting for gaming uses.Compared to the other gaming mouse I've used before,Razer Deathadder Chroma is one of the best gaming mouse that a gamer can use.
For this mouse customization,i would rather say it is ok.With 2 additional buttons on the left side of the mouse,i think it is enough for my macro uses.This mouse has enough good conditions to use it for First person shooting games.But if you are an other type of gamer that needs a lot of additional buttons on your mouse,this mouse is not for you.
For this mouse lighting customization's,it only has 2 lighting options.You can customize the logo and the mouse scroll up to 16,9million colors
I have been using this mouse for about a year.Everytime i play my games with this mouse,i feel like a better player and also gives me a lot of confidence in gaming.The perfect weight on the deathadder really did help me.Not only that,this mouse's sensor has a perfect reaction that also really helped me in gaming.Overall,it is surely on of the best gaming mouse a gamer can use.
blog ini bermutu untuk anak anak dan cicit cicit saya, trimaa kasih klinik tong crit
ReplyDeleteMAKASIH :)
Kamu yang kebanyakan niup terompet kan, udah ngaku aja.
ReplyDelete1. Cara membuat salad buah
ReplyDeleteBahan :
Apel segar 200 g, kupas kulitnya lalu potong dadu
Melon segar 200 g, kupas kulitnya lalu potong dadu
Semangka 1 buah, kupas kulitnya lalu potong dadu
Mangga segar 200 g, kupas kulitnya lalu potong dadu
Pepaya segar 1 buah, kupas kulitnya lalu potong dadu
Anggur segar 200 g, belah jadi dua dan buang bijinya
Strawberry segar 20 g, belah jadi empat
Mayonaise 150 ml
Keju parut
Susu kental manis vanila 1 kaleng
Jeruk nipis (optional)
Cara membuat :
Setelah semua buah sudah dipotong-potong, masukkan dalam kulkas agar menjadi lebih segar dan dingin.
Setelah itu campurkan buah-buahan dalam satu wadah.
Campurkan mayonaise dan kental manis, air perasan jeruk nipis juga (optional)
Keluarkan buah-buahan dari kulkas. Tuang saus salad buah pada buah.
Taburkan parutan keju sesuai dengan selera Anda.
Pada salad buah yang Anda buat sendiri, Anda bisa mengkreasikan isinya sesuai dengan buah kesukaan Anda. Bisa juga Anda tambahkan jelly dan nata de coco dalam salad Anda.
Selain salad buah, kreasi salah lainnya adalah salad sayur.